Bankerna toppar IT-löneligan
Ingen annan bransch driver på löneutvecklingen hos landets IT-kompetens som bank- och finanssektorn. Här är såväl de fasta lönerna som konsultarvodena högst och här ökar också ersättningarna mer än någon annanstans.
IT-proffsen rankar sina förmåner!
21 000 kronor är värdet på de förmåner som IT-kompetensen uppbär årligen i genomsnitt. Flextid, friskvård och extra semester värderas högst, men preferenserna varierar mellan olika grupper.
5 åtgärder för att säkra utvecklarna
Hela världen ska digitaliseras. AI, IoT, blockkedjor och mycket annat ska utgöra fundamentet för morgondagens datadrivna värld. Frågan är dock: hur säkerställa tillgången på den IT-kompetens som ska bygga denna värld? Den frågan är knappast ny, men tycks bli allt knepigare att besvara.
Nästa Facit, Kodak eller Nokia – 40% saknar incitament för innovation!
Bra företag belönar sin medarbetare baserat på hur man bidrar till verksamhetsmålen. Men riktigt framgångsrika organisationer lyckas dessutom etablera incitamentsstrukturer som främjar innovation och nytänkande bortom mer kortsiktiga målsättningar. Anmärkningsvärt få svenska företag tycks dock klara av att hantera detta. Åtminstone om man ska tro landets IT-kompetens. Närmare 40 procent anser att det saknas incitamentssystem […]
Reading tips w. 16 – Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance
This is Eastbrook’s and Finansbarometern’s selection of blog posts and articles on Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance. From around the world: Chris Skinner: How do I know it’s the digital you? 5 things you should know about the blockchain ’In five years the vast majority of the cash will be out of the […]
Reading tips w. 15 – Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance
This is Eastbrook’s and Finansbarometern’s selection of blog posts and articles on Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance. From around the world: Payments (R)Evolution – The Death of the Password Amazon takes on PayPal and others with launch of Amazon Payments partner program Auka brings Google Cloud-powered banking to Europe Atom opens with a […]
Reading tips w. 14 – Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance
This is Eastbrook’s and Finansbarometern’s selection of blog posts and articles on Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance. From around the world: Major UK banks line up in support for Android Pay launch; Nationwide pulls plug on McKinsey: Cutting Through the Noise Around Fintech We are the Robots: science fiction becomes science fact […]
Reading tips w. 12 – Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance
This is Eastbrook’s and Finansbarometern’s selection of blog posts and articles on Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance. From around the world: A tech company with a banking license: solarisBank offers the first banking platform for the digital economy KPMG Report: The Pulse of Fintech, 2015 in Review A quarter of bank revenue may […]
Reading tips w. 11 – Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance
This is Eastbrook’s and Finansbarometern’s selection of blog posts and articles on Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance. From around the world: BBVA continues its fintech acquisition run, buys Holvi, an online-only business bank The Future of Banking: Uber or Apple? Google experiments with a way to pay without taking out your phone Jim […]
Fintech and the Cloud are converging – Keep Your Eyes on the Prize, bankers!
Two major trends predicted to have a profound impact on the business world have earned a tremendous and reasonable attention the past few years – Cloud Computing and Fintech. Now they are about to converge which will create a €200 billion worth vacuum within the EU alone.