Incumbent bank shareholders don’t get the digital shift
I just read an interesting post from Chris Skinner on how investment markets are viewing digital transformation among some incumbent banks. This is an important and so far overlooked issue and I have a few reflections of my own: The investment market, analysts and financial media are screaming for faster horses in a world where […]
Reading tips w. 4 – Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance
This is Eastbrook’s and Finansbarometern’s selection of blogposts and articles on Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance. (Some might be in Swedish.) From around the world: What is this? Peer-to-peer lending yet to face real test Debatt: “Fintech en allt viktigare exportvara” Modular Financial Services Still talking about the branch of the future? (don’t […]