Reading tips w. 10 – Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance

This is Eastbrook’s and Finansbarometern’s selection of blog posts and articles on Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance. From around the world: Deloitte University Press encourages businesses to “aggressively explore” blockchain LendingClub and the Limits of FinTech Disruption Infographic: The Future of Mobile Banking 10 Marketing Trends The Banking Industry Can’t Ignore How The […]

Reading tips w. 9 – Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance

This is Eastbrook’s and Finansbarometern’s selection of blog posts and articles on Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance. (Some might be in Swedish.) From around the world: Soon a challenger bank will fail – here’s why we should let it go belly up Fintech: time to change strategy How Big Data Analytics, AI and […]

Reading tips w. 8 – Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance

This is Eastbrook’s and Finansbarometern’s selection of blog posts and articles on Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance. (Some might be in Swedish.) From around the world: Digital disruption in Nordic retail banking Disruptive Innovation in FinTech What will the bank of the future look like? 3 Things you need to Know about Payment […]

Reading tips w. 7 – Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance

This is Eastbrook’s and Finansbarometern’s selection of blog posts and articles on Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance. (Some might be in Swedish.) From around the world: EX – the antibiotic to cure Infectious Organisational Paralysis in CX professionals Banking Is Only The Start: 12 Big Industries Where Blockchain Could Be Used Making Sense […]

Vikande kundnöjdhet under Wolf – Swedbanks verkliga kris

Bra att Swedbankdirektörernas tveksamma fastighetsaffärer granskas och eventuellt också kritiseras. Huruvida man begått formella fel eller ej har jag egentligen ingen uppfattning om, men en annan sak slår mig när det gäller rapporteringen om Swedbanks kris: Varför hörs så anmärkningsvärt lite om hur kunderna uppfattar banken? Anders Sundström mumlade någonting närmast pliktskyldigt om kundnöjdhet, men […]

Reading tips w. 4 – Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance

This is Eastbrook’s and Finansbarometern’s selection of blogposts and articles on Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance. (Some might be in Swedish.) From around the world: What is this? Peer-to-peer lending yet to face real test Debatt: “Fintech en allt viktigare exportvara” Modular Financial Services Still talking about the branch of the future? (don’t […]

Reading tips w. 1 – Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance

This is Eastbrook’s and Finansbarometern’s selection of blogposts and articles on Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance. (Some might be in Swedish.) From around the world: Beyond bitcoin – Blockchain is coming to disrupt your industry Fintech Moved Mainstream: Reflections on 2015 Are challenger banks the saviours of British banking? What needs to happen […]

Reading tips w. 53 – Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance

This is Eastbrook’s and Finansbarometern’s selection of blogposts and articles on Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance. (Some might be in Swedish.) From around the world: Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions for 2016 PayPal CEO Dan Schulman on the ‘Venmo line’ and the fact that cash will never die Younger, higher income […]

Reading tips w. 52 – Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance

This is Eastbrook’s and Finansbarometern’s selection of blogposts and articles on Financial Services, Future Banking, Fintech and Disruptive Finance. (Some might be in Swedish.) From around the world: Bank Payments Revenue Streams The Death of Bank Products has been greatly under-exaggerated 2015: putting data in context Miljardär backar svensk startup – nu utmanar de storbankerna Peer-to-peer […]

Gamla banker vs. nya fintech-bolag – vem vinner ödeskampen om SME-företagens hjärtan?

Av Kristian Sundberg I Finansbarometern får företagen ge sin syn på sina affärsbanker och på hur behovet av finansiella tjänster ser ut. Vi har identifierat två arketyper av företag utifrån deras relation till bankerna idag. Det här är viktigt eftersom det ger en fingervisning om vilka hot och möjligheter som finns på framtidens marknad för […]

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